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Health Coach Conversations

Jan 25, 2021

Even though the Health Coach Group offers comprehensive done-for-you programs, results aren’t always easy to achieve. Results only happen when you understand what clients need to succeed and provide them with the best tools and support to help them grow and reach their goals!   


In this episode, Cathy discusses...

Jan 18, 2021

Want to actually work on your business and turn it into a real source of income so 2021 is your best year yet? Join the Health Coach Group’s live and virtual Health Coach Mastery Event 2021, where you’ll meet and work closely with Health Coach Group experts and find inspiration and support from other health coaches...

Jan 11, 2021

Starting your day with more intention can help create positive actions and outcomes for your personal life and your business. Cathy shares 20 questions for coaches to use each morning and night! 


In this episode, Cathy discusses...

Morning Questions 

  1. What can I get excited about today? 
  2. What am I grateful for today?