Jul 30, 2018
Welcome back for another episode of Health Coach Conversations! Today I invited Judy Prokopiak to the show to talk about something that a lot of people don’t really like talking about… money. Though it isn’t always the most fun conversation, it is a topic that all business owners need to be comfortable with and able to address. In this episode Cathy and Judy talk about the following:
Money is often a topic that we avoid at all costs. It is something that affected us all from an early age (whether we realize it or not) and is a huge factor in most everyday life once we become adults. Too often, business owners do not like asking for the sale, or discussing price points with clients - because it is an uncomfortable topic on both ends. However, money is a big motivator for a lot of people. Get yourself unstuck by discovering what your own roadblock about money is; it might be uncomfortable and force you outside of your comfort zone - but I guarantee that it’s worth it! The “FIRST” exercise will help you discover where your money beliefs are currently at, and help you overcome the belief-barriers that may currently holding you back.
F . I . R . S . T
First : Find your first “Money Memory” - is it negative? Positive? Neutral? Why?
Ideas : What were the ideas about money that circulated in your home?
Reveal : Discover what your money belief and block is. What is it about money that you’re holding onto?
Showing Up : How are these beliefs manifesting in your life now? Both personal and professional.
Transform : Turn it around and transform your own belief to actually reflect the truth.
Links to resources: