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Health Coach Conversations

Nov 28, 2022

You can make the decision to change today. It may be hard, but not impossible. Today we talk to the editor in chief of Entrepreneur Magazine, Jason Feifer, who shares why change is good for you and your business.

In this episode, we talk about:

  • Why business owners need to focus on the problem they are solving
  • Learning how to grow from a difficult situation that already happened
  • The 4 phases of change that we all go through
  • Recognizing potential gain and then building on it
  • The 5 skills a business owner needs to have success
  • Why people focus on loss instead of gain 


Memorable Quotes

  • “Our job isn’t to keep doing the thing that used to work. Our job is to understand what people need.”


  • “Am I a person who runs a certain kind of business or am I the person who solves a certain kind of problem?”


  • “We really do ourselves a disservice when we think we have to do everything.”


  • “Make the change before you are forced to “

Bio: Jason Feifer is the editor in chief of Entrepreneur magazine, author of the book Build For Tomorrow (out September 2022), a startup advisor, and host of two podcasts: Build For Tomorrow (yes, same name as the book) a show about the smartest solutions to our most misunderstood problems; and Problem Solvers, about entrepreneurs overcoming the odds in their business.


Prior to Entrepreneur, Jason has worked as an editor at Men’s Health, Fast Company, Maxim, and Boston magazine, and has written about business and technology for the Washington Post, Slate, New York, and others. Jason’s previous book, a romantic comedy that he wrote with his wife called Mr. Nice Guy, is currently being developed for television.


Mentioned In This Episode:

Build for Tomorrow

Links to resources:

Health Coach Group Website

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