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Health Coach Conversations

Dec 26, 2022

Cutting back on your meat consumption does not mean you have to buy manufactured, lab grown meat. There are so many naturally available and sustainable sources of protein, that no one is talking about. 


In this episode, Cathy talks about:

  • Chloe Sorvino’s expose of the US meat industry and failures of the food system
  • The Pure Program and how it can help you adopt a low inflammatory, whole foods lifestyle
  • A list of rich, whole food, sources of protein that comes from plants
  • Books that offer a deeper dive on the food industry
  • The updated Shopper’s Guide to Pesticides in Produce
  • Intentionally sourcing local and seasonal food


Memorable Quotes

  • “We can all strive to eat more ethically, more sustainably, more pleasurably and ultimately more healthfully.”
  • “My purpose is not to judge what you eat. It’s to ask you to look at some of the options.”
  • “There are tons of really good food already that has protein in it, so we are not at a loss of protein.”
  • “Just because it is approved by the FDA does not necessarily mean that it is the right thing to be eating.”

Mentioned In This Episode:

Chloe Sorvino's book - Raw Deal

Pure Program

List of Meatless Alternatives

Books by Michael Pollan

Clean 15 List from EWG

Dirty Dozen List from EWG

Links to resources:

Health Coach Group Website

Use the code HCC50 to save $50 on our website

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