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Health Coach Conversations

Sep 27, 2021

If you’re just starting out as a coach, the right publicity can boost your credibility and your business. Julie Zhu shares different types of publicity available for health coaches and 3 simple tips to gain more media exposure and establish yourself as an expert!  


In this episode, Cathy and Julie discuss: 

  • How...

Sep 21, 2021

Healing doesn’t always mean symptoms disappear. Dr. Christina Velderman shares an esoteric meaning of what healing entails and the state of constant change we all encounter throughout life.  


In this episode, Cathy and Christina discuss: 

  • What it means to really heal and what Christina means when using the word...

Sep 13, 2021

The food we choose to eat every day can either positively or negatively impact our health. Cathy talks with Marion Nestle about what health coaches need to know about food systems and why food politics matter more than you might realize.  


In this episode, Cathy and Marion discuss: 


  • What we need to know about the...

Sep 6, 2021

Although the health coaching industry is largely unregulated, education is a non-negotiable if you want to build a reputable health coaching business. Cathy explains what health coaches must know about health coaching certifications and details about the Health Coach Group’s Health Coach University. 


In this...