Feb 25, 2019
Thanks for listening to another episode of Health Coach Conversations! Today, Cathy interviews health coach Constance “Connie” Brown-Riggs. Connie is a registered dietician and is a certified diabetes educator. Her goal is to understand and shorten the cultural divide between those with diabetes and their health...
Feb 18, 2019
On today’s episode of Health Coach Conversations, Cathy talks with Megan Clarke about SEO. Meg understands how to increase organic traffic using SEO and understands search engine optimization can be overwhelming. Meg’s mission is to make SEO as simple as possible and to make sure your site is found!
In this episode,...
Feb 14, 2019
Welcome to another episode of Health Coach Conversations! Today, Cathy talks with health coach Cheryl Giambattista, who works with menopausal women. Cheryl recently started offering a membership program and discusses how it has impacted her business.
In this episode, Cathy and Cheryl discuss the following:
Feb 4, 2019
For today’s episode of Health Coach Conversations, Cathy and Ashlie talk with Marie Forleo about her super successful online business school “B-School”. This episode is perfect for health coaches who have considered joining the program but want an insider’s look before taking the plunge.
In this episode,