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Health Coach Conversations

Feb 28, 2022

The first step to changing a problem is admitting you have one. Dennis Berry shares how his Life Mastery Coaching program helps clients become more mindful and aware of the power they have within to make the changes they need in their lives. 


In this episode, Cathy and Dennis discuss: 

  • What Life Mastery Coaching is...

Feb 21, 2022

SEO can help your business grow if you know how to leverage the right tools and keywords. Amber Topping dives into all things SEO, how to build your authority, and tips and tricks to creating SEO-friendly content that boosts your page rank and business! 


In this episode, Cathy and Amber discuss: 

  • What SEO is and how...

Feb 14, 2022

Diets should align with your near and long term health goals. Dr. Katz explains how health coaches can use Diet ID to help clients build the best version of themselves and make dietary changes that stick! 


In this episode, Cathy and Dr. Katz discuss: 

  • Dr. Katz’s career as a medical doctor turned entrepreneur 
  • How...

Feb 7, 2022

In order to live life freely, you must stop living in fear of the unknown. Rhonda Britten dives into the power of living fearlessly and how coaches can help move people from fear to freedom!  


In this episode, Cathy and Rhonda discuss: 

  • How the worst day of Rhonda’s life set her journey in motion
  • Recognizing the...